
Ck2 ruler designer cheat
Ck2 ruler designer cheat

The list of traits clearly displays the age cost. The list of traits with their associated age-cost. This is how the ruler designer looks like on the attributes panel. If we could just somehow get rid of the age cost, creating an OP ruler via the Ruler Designer is so much simpler than using cheat commands and digging through configuration files, because everything you need is on your screen and you can just select what you want. This means you cannot go about creating an overpowered ruler as you always have to counter balance buffed up stats and good traits with a set of bad traits to lower the age. I, and many others, do not consider this designer feature a cheating tool.

ck2 ruler designer cheat

Well, the game has this wonderful DLC called Ruler Designer that allows you to customize your ruler when setting up your game, which undoubtedly adds more flavor to the game and can be an excellent tool for role playing purposes. So there is no escape, you have to find the configuration files that define the traits for every mod and dig in. There are plenty of situations where the ID of the trait is either a synonym word for it or worse, a misspelling. For the vanilla game, I think these two values coincide most of the time, but that is certainly not the case for mods. Furthermore, the cheat command requires you to input the ID of the trait, not its display name in game. Lux Invicta that more than doubles the list of ruler traits. This is further complicated if you happen to use any of the popular mods for CKII e. The list of good and bad traits is a long one, and you have to do a bit of searching for it on the web or by finding the right plain-text file in the game configuration folder that defines these traits and then making sure you only add the good ones.

ck2 ruler designer cheat

You can easily set the age of any character and change their stats, but their traits need to be added one by one. Even though the game provides all the in-game cheat commands necessary to achieve this, it is not as easy as one may think. Nothing short of the most over powered ruler possible is acceptable.

ck2 ruler designer cheat

I had started playing Crusader Kings II again and like every other time before it, I always get to the point when I want to mess up with my ruler, i.

Ck2 ruler designer cheat